I love the outdoors. I started golfing again this month, about 7 1/2 months after the surgery, and about 2 months before my surgeon wants me to. No real pain, but I can't make a full turn when I swing, my back gets tight around the 9th hole, and I really can't control the clubs very well. I was playing to an 11 index this time last year, but right now I'm playing to about a 24.
Beside golf, I've managed to get out on Lake Erie to fish a few times, and I've also made several trips to the islands.
This week I'll be going to Dallas for a conference, then up to Put-in-Bay for 3 days the following week (Legislative Days at Put-in-Bay, followed by a fundraiser for the House Minority Leader). Then the week after that, I'm heading to Seattle for 5 days for another conference, and I'll be stopping in Las Vegas on the way back (for 4 days) to attend the wedding of one of my many nieces.
So why can't I wait for summer to end? I don't like heat and humidity, and we've had both in spades this summer. I'm never home on the weekends during the summer, so I always feel like I need to catch up on things at home. And although I like to travel, too much of it stresses me, and I'm certain I'll be stressed for the next 3 weeks.
But there's one more reason...The Ohio State Buckeyes. I am very optimistic about this season, and I plan to place a bet at a sports book in Vegas that the Bucks will win the national championship. Just to hedge, I'll probably also bet that they will win the Big Ten.
Any Michigan fan reading this post can kiss my butt.
7 hours ago