...missed it by "that" much.
I checked out the odds on the Bucks winning the national championship while in Las Vegas last month, and those tight SOBs would give me only 5 to 1 odds, so I passed. I thought about it, though, but some invisible imp on my shoulder urged me not to do it. Looks like I made the right call, I could get WAY better odds now that they lost to the Texas Longhorns. If I see one more of those people walking around Columbus with their index and little fingers raised in the Longhorn Salute, I'm going to puke. Now I can only hope for a rematch in the National Championship game.
My daugher Natalie joined me to watch part of the game Saturday, after she had traveled the campus-area bar circuit helping a friend sell t-shirts. It took me a while to figure out the shirts, but they made sense after a few more Bud Lights. Here's a link to the site. Go to the Texas link, she is Natalie, featured in several pictures.
HOWEVER: the sports book at Harrah's gave me 50 to 1 against the Tribe winning the World Series and I took it. Seems like a reasonable bet, they are on fire. I could be wrong about this, but I think they have the best record in the Majors since June 1. It was April and May that were tough on them, but they sure have turned things around.
The Browns...well, let's just say we're going to have another "rebuilding" year.
8 hours ago