Dublin, Ohio is home to Muirfield Village Golf Club, "The Course That Jack Built." Each year, Jack Nicklaus hosts the Memorial Tournament, and each year my company sponsors a hospitality house. It helps that my boss lives right on the course, at the corner of the 14th green and the 15th tee.
This year, in addition to the hospitality, we held a fundraiser on Thursday for Congressman John Boehner, the Minority Leader of the US House. John is a great guy, but what made this event so memorable was that Jack Nicklaus himself stopped by to show his support. I shook his hand, and hoped that some of his legendary golfing skill would rub off on me (it didn't).
Then something else happened that made this a special tournament. I went out yesterday with my younger daughter and her boyfriend, but there was a weather delay when we arrived. So we went into the house and what did we see, but Sergio Garcia hanging around. He was coming up the 14th fairway when the delay was called, so he just walked right up to the backyard and came into the house. He stayed for about two hours. There were a bevy of college-aged girls at the house, which might explain why Sergio was in no hurry to leave.
Today is the last day of the tournament, and who knows, maybe Tiger will slice one into the back yard and we'll meet him too.
12 hours ago