Today is Super Bowl Sunday, and like millions of other people, I'll be sitting in front of the TV tonight to watch the game and the commercials. I think it's amazing what the NFL has done with the marketing of this game. Even people who don't like football tune in to see the commercials. And there have been many memorable ones.
Budweiser typically buys the lion's share of the air time, and they've had some great ads over the years. The Clydesdale horses are an integral part of Bud's marketing, and here is one of the better ads they've aired. A year or two ago, they came up with this ad, which is a tribute to the great American pastime of streaking.
But my favorite ad by far was one that was shown only once, during the 1984 Super Bowl. The introduction of the Macintosh computer and the calendar turning to 1984 resulted in a unique confluence of events, of which Apple's ad agency took full advantage. It is an advertising masterpiece.
Disclaimer: No dictators or thought police were harmed during the production of this ad.
7 hours ago