About four years ago, I started work on what would ultimately become House Bill 95, and I am happy to say that it is now the law of the land. Since last November, many people put in a lot of work toward getting this enacted, and I was one of the busiest ones. The Governor signed it on June 2, so I hope to be much less busy and occupied with legislation for a while, and more occupied with things like the farm and this blog.

I'm pretty sure I went somewhere to celebrate right after this picture was taken. All that lobbying can make a man thirsty!
Also since November, my eyes have not improved. I still see double, I still have a blind spot, and I still have a lot of distortion in my left eye. But there is good news: the ophthalmologist ran some tests on me about 10 days ago, and he is convinced that the double vision can be fixed. The apparent cause of this is muscle damage that occurred when they blocked the nerves to my eye for the surgery. Essentially, my eye is not situated properly within the orb, and by tweaking some of the muscles, they can orient it properly. The blind spot is permanent, but I'll happily endure another surgery to get rid of this double vision.
It was a very wet spring around here. It was the wettest April ever, and May wasn't much better. That caused some problems at Wyndanwood, which I'll describe in a later post. Once the rains slowed down, it immediately turned hot and humid, and I do not care at all for that kind of weather. We've also had a lot of severe weather due to the heat and humidity. The most recent was on Tuesday - I was working out at the farm, and as I started back for home, I heard the weather warnings. It seems we had a severe thunderstorm right before I got home. As I was unloading the truck, I walked by my flower bed and noticed that some of my irises were lying flat on the ground. Here is what I saw:
The mulch was still smoldering, so I doused it with water. This was obviously caused by a lightning strike. Note the charred ends of the iris stems. They say if you live long enough, you'll see everything, and this was a new one for me.