This was one for the record books.
One of my older sisters started a tradition on her 50th birthday. She had her birthday party in Las Vegas, and we had to go there to celebrate with her. Now, many years later, it was my turn. Since my birthday is January 6, I decided a long time ago that my party would be in a warm-weather climate. For various reasons, I chose Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
About half of my family made it (my kids couldn't due to work schedules, I'm sorry to say). I also had many friends from Columbus and from around the country, almost 30 in all. One of my friends who lives on the gulf side of Florida came over, and I hadn't seen him in 30 years.
The party was an absolute blast, in fact the whole 9 days I spent there was a blast. The morning of my birthday, several of us went fishing and we caught two barracudas, one being 52 inches long. It will reside permanently at my friend Dave's house, if his wife will allow him to hang it on the wall. I left my 44 incher in Florida.
The day after, we went out on a 38 foot Cigarette boat, and let me tell you, that boat screams. We got it up to just a nudge under 90 MPH, and that is just plain fast on water. Left to right: Mary K. (my sister who started this tradition), her husband Dave, Joe (my Florida friend), Chuck (another old friend from Bellevue, who flew in from Las Vegas for the party) and me.
Next up is sister Toni, whose 50th is next February. She is thinking of going to Key West, and I'm not going to miss that party...