Sunday, January 13, 2008

I think this was in Germany...

Fasching is the most important day on the German calendar.

It's called Mardi Gras elsewhere, but in Germany, it's Fasching. I'm not quite sure how to translate "Fasching," but I think it means "dress up in a silly outfit and drink to your heart's content."

This picture was taken in Cologne in February 1977. I've been to a few Fasching parades, but Cologne has the best. One of the great things about Germany, whether it's Fasching or not, is that you can pretty much pee wherever you like. A little discretion is advised, but you will not get arrested in Germany for peeing on the sidewalk. These gents were taking a break from the festivities, and since this wall was nearby, that's where they went. Check out the hair on the guy on the left.

This picture was taken a year later, also in Cologne. Just another day at the office for these guys.

As you can see, it's very important to train for Fasching. During the off-season, I went to the Fasching Training Camp in Bonn. This picture was taken in July 1977, so I still had about 7 months of practice for the next Fasching parade. From what I can remember, I aced every stage of the training.

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