Saturday, April 05, 2008

Vanity - Again

I've seen some vanity plates that are very clever, and I've seen others for which there is no logical explanation. Such as one I saw on a red Audi -- the plate said RED AUDI. Now who couldn't figure that out without the plate telling you? Or the PT Cruiser that had a plate reading MY PT. I already knew that...

Here are more vanity plates. Explanations (where known) will be added as a comment to this post in about a week to give you time to think about it.

1 comment:

Sam said...

4 GIRLZ - A dentist with 4 girls.
OH SCRAP - I would guess a play on Oh, Crap, and the owner runs a scrap company in Ohio.
STRAP - A guy whose family owns a packaging business.
DMSIXTY - No clue.
CAT VB - She played volleyball at Ohio University.
TAX THIS - my plate! A tribute to a former Ohio Tax Commissioner, with whom I had many run-ins when trying to enact some tax legislation (which was enacted not long after a new Tax Commissioner took over).
SISS 52 - Her sister calls her Sissy, and she was born in 1952.
IBSALN - Not the plate of a radical muslim, but the plate of a sailor.