Fast forward 27 years to yesterday.

I'm happy to say that Natalie can now put the initials "MBA" after her name if she so chooses. I give her a lot of credit -- working full-time, attending school 10 or 12 hours per week (and all that goes along with that), traveling, running, getting SCUBA certified, running a conversational German club, and so on and so forth -- and she completed her MBA on schedule.
I couldn't be prouder.

Congratulations to you AND Natalie. It takes a whole family to put a member through school.
Because I was reading at a rapid rate, I first thought you said Natalie was running a controversial German club. It stopped me in my tracks and I thought, "What could be controversial about running a German club?" -- then I read it again, more slowly, and saw that she ran a conversational German club.
I shall be reading more slowly from now on.
That is so lovely Sam! You have every right to be proud of Natalie...but I bet you also wonder - where did those twenty seven years go?
Those 27 years are gone, YP, at least in one sense, but what memories. I have to say, I never had any doubt that she would get to this place....and beyond.
Rhymes -- if it's German, it IS controversial! And I say that in part because I am of German extraction, and in part because...well, I'm of German extraction.
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